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Topic: Entegra TPMS what do you use or recommend? (Read 9726 times) previous topic - next topic
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Entegra TPMS what do you use or recommend?

Just curious what TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitor System) folks use?

I think I have read good and bad things about every system at this point  ::)  So I would appreciate recommendations of brands that folks are using and have good success with (accurate, reliable, vendor support, spare parts).    Also for the different system do you use or have to use a extender/repeater.

I have experience with the PressurePro ( ) system on our previous coach, I'll do a post about how that worked over the years.

Re: Entegra TPMS what do you use or recommend?

Reply #1
I'll dip my toe in :D

There are a bunch of options out there ... and several are really the same thing just under different names.  The one that I chose after getting all confused in my research was EEZTire.  EEZTIRE TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEMS (TPMS) | EEZ RV PRODUCTS  I use the non-flow-thru sensors without the theft guards as they were smaller and lighter (about 1" in diameter and 1" high, 22 grams)

I'd plan on adding the repeater/booster, it just helps ensure you do not have communication drop outs and false problems, plus you will need it if you want to monitor your toad.

Re: Entegra TPMS what do you use or recommend?

Reply #2
I've heard about the EEZTire system but have not seen it in person. 

The one I use is TireMinder (The OFFICIAL WEBSITE of Minder Research, Inc. - Home of the TireMinder TPMS,...) mainly as it had been "awarded" in the motorhome magazine.  I know that is a bit of a weak reason but at the time I had nothing else to go on  O:)

They have a new system, at least I think its new, TireMinder Smart, which is a Smartphone Based Tire Pressure Monitor that looks pretty cool.  It uses your smartphone as the head (via an app of course) instead of a separate display / console.

Re: Entegra TPMS what do you use or recommend?

Reply #3
When I was researching these I was pretty torn over which one to choose. 

Honestly they all seem pretty similar to one another, right down to the rather high cost for the sensors which run $35-50 a shot for what is probably a $2-3 item.  They also mostly (all?) communicate on 433.92 MHz FM (TM, TST, EEZ, PP etc) so they are all subject to the same distance limitations and interference, not that you will necessary have any problems but I did not see one less susceptible than another.  Reading the interwebs you can find folks having drop out,  interference, etc problems with each system.

It would also *appear* several are the same system just re-branded.  Likely built in the same factory with somewhat different ID and/or selections from column a and column b.  What you are really purchasing is different pricing or customer support for the various look the same units.

Ideally a system that integrated with existing coach systems such as the Vega or Spartan center would be ideal, at least to me (the toad has its own TPMS so I don't need to move the head between units).  I believe Spartan does offer a system since Newmar has TPMS by default, and its output is shown on the Silverleaf display.

Re: Entegra TPMS what do you use or recommend?

Reply #4
TST was recently purchased by PSI PSI Acquires TPMS Provider They have been changing some things and personnel around and are looking at what product improvements can be made.  I don't use TST, just letting others know about something I learned about them.

Re: Entegra TPMS what do you use or recommend?

Reply #5
Just to point out and save some headaches ... "Fresh" stem grommets and good quality metal valve stems are required.

I put a TPMS on our first coach (not an Entegra).  I had two failures that I attributed to the TPMS. The stem grommets were old. The additional weight of the TPMS sender on the end of the valve stem caused enough wiggle/movement to cause the old grommets to leak. One tire slowly lost pressure only while the coach was in motion. The other failure allowed a tire to go flat. Both failures were repaired by replacing stem grommets.  No patches were required.

Before I added the  TPMS to the tow vehicle, I had my tire dealer install metal stems on the vehicle and balance the assembly with a TPMS sensor in place. 


Re: Entegra TPMS what do you use or recommend?

Reply #6
We have been using PressurePro tire pressure monitoring systems for many years and decided to stick with the devil we know  >:D  O:) .  Today we installed their latest PULSE system, which replaces their previous, now legacy, models.  The monitor and the wheel sensors are different, but it still uses the previous repeater / booster antennas so a new one of those is not required.

The new features are very helpful.  You no longer have to go out on a cold morning, remove sensors and reinstall to reset the reference/base psi (required when we travel from hot to cold or cold to hot or low to high elevation etc).  The new display can show tire position psi or all tires on an axle psi.  Reference psi can be adjusted by axle or all tire positions at one time.

The Sensors read tire pressure every 7 seconds and transmit a coded RF signal to the Display every 5 minutes  If an alarm level is reached, PressurePro Sensors will override the normal update and alert the Display immediately.  It also has several alerts, two low pressure alerts, a high pressure alert, a high temperature alert, a fast leak alert, and a axle differential alert.

Still has the sealed, non chargeable, not serviceable sensors, but they do last many years before they need to be refreshed.  The good is they sealed tends to be more robust as the environment (water, dirt, etc) is kept out and you don't need to do anything like constantly changing the batteries or cleaning contacts or replacing O-rings.  The bad, they are a consumable that need to replace every 5+ years or so.

Re: Entegra TPMS what do you use or recommend?

Reply #7
I own an '18 Aspire coach now and I have used the system by TST for over 5 years, on different vehicles with only a minor battery change. I actually like them so much that I decided to sell them to others. A couple of items you need to know. The "repeater" should be used on a coach over about 36 feet if towing a vehicle. The monitors will read the coach tires with no problems but the toad vehicle is so far back it loses the signal. I put my repeater inside the toad and it repeats the signal to my coach dash with no problems. Seems many of the companies might use look alike monitors and I cannot comment on those as I have not used them. The flow thru sensors should only be used on metal valve stems as they are a little larger then the non flow thru ones. TST also makes two other types of the standard screw on ones. The 507 model  requires battery replacement by the user about a year to year and a half, is easy to do and the battery is about $1.50. The 510 model has a 5 year battery, is sealed and requires return to the factory for replacement and has a 20 dollar per sensor charge. I do not like that and think that the cost is high so I do not recommend those.
As for your toad having a tire monitor system built in system. That system is not operational  when towing, not readable in your coach and you should ALWAYS monitor the toad or a trailer when towing one. The 507 screw on sensor should only be used with a rubber valve stem and no need to install metal stems on your toad.
Regardless of what make system you buy you should ALWAYS use some system for safety. I had a friend that had a blowout on the front tire on his new Jeep without a system. By the time a passer by waved him over he lost the tire,  rim, brake rotor, inner fender panel and wiring under the hood.
Remember that the coach size and engine torque could care less what it is pulling and really does not care because it will just pull that toad and not think a thing about it.

want more information on tire monitors contact me  Motordoctor and I will gladly sell you a system or provide information that might help prevent a problem

Re: Entegra TPMS what do you use or recommend?

Reply #8
Motordoctor, thanks for all that good information on the TST system, and just in general.

I never considered putting the repeater in the car, but that sure is a nice easy place to install it.  I had installed ours in the rear closet, figuring that would be able to pickup the car.  For me monitoring the car tires is one of the most important things to do as you really have no idea how the car is riding when you are towing. 

Since TST recently was acquired, have you noticed any changes (hopefully all good if anything)?

Re: Entegra TPMS what do you use or recommend?

Reply #9
just saw your reply. sorry i did not answer sooner. They are changing the monitor on the dash to a larger unit and color. I'm waiting on mine as it is not out yet. Also they are including the repeater in the kit but the price will reflect it but it comes with it and not separate like now.

Re: Entegra TPMS what do you use or recommend?

Reply #10
Thanks for getting back to this :D ... when you get the new unit be sure to post a picture.  having a larger and color screen sound like good things to update.

Re: Entegra TPMS what do you use or recommend?

Reply #11
Been using EEZTire system for over 5,000 miles with the coach and the TOAD. I installed the signal booster system when the TOAD's signal kept dropping out.  Works great now. No issues, so far.  8)
Mike & Gaye
2015 Entegra Anthem 44B
+ 2014 Honda CRV TOAD