Thanks for posting that, Andy. One comment - that red plug you pulled out, that's where the supplied filter housing screws in. Ours came with a couple of spare foam filters for it.
We recently went through the "analysis paralysis" of which portable compressor to carry with coach. We also opted for a Viair, but this one VIAIR 45053 Silver Automatic Portable Compressor Kit (450P-RV),...
We chose the 450 even though it has a slower output because it is rated for continuous use (I think the 400 can run for 30-40 minutes, then needs to cool down for 20-30 between uses). We don't ever hope to need a compressor to run a long time, but it's nice to know it's a robust unit.
Note for RVs you might want to make sure to select the 400P-RV Viair 40047 400P-RV Automatic Portable Compressor Kit: Automotive or 450P-RV linked above since these are kits that get you additional hose length.
Now, for those who might ask "My Entegra has the onboard engine compressor, why would I need a portable one?", well, you might not need it, but it does let you air up tires and things without firing up the coach engine, especially for the higher pressures.
We used ours yesterday to adjust the pressures on our coach and it was very fast and very quiet. Steve even commented how much he loved the new compressor.
You can't go wrong with either Viair
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