The fit of the front shades, notably the windshield ones, seems pretty poor to us. It just seems that the MCD shades can't conform very well enough to the dash area due to the various levels, contours and curves in the Entegra.
We have tried to train the shades in to better positions, or do the fold back, fold forward of the bottom flap, etc but it still seems a marginal fit, at least for us. Plus the day shades are so far away from the glass that they let in a lot of heat if you have a southern / western facing site.
Our previous coach had a bus style front, so we had a single MCD shade that fit just a few inches back from the windshield, and it was cut to match the dash contour (granted that it was not much there), so the result was a pretty clean an tight fit.
We also have experience with outside shades (held with suction cups) which generally worked well but were not perfect (mostly the suction cups). I see that Home | Magne Shade | Sunshade for RV, RV Shade, Installs from the ground,... ( shades are pretty popular, and was curious if anyone here has them on their coach and if so how noticeable / large are those inside magnets on the Entegra ?
You'll quit caring about the magnets when your A/C's don't have to work as hard. We have Magna shades on the Anthem and will take them w/us to a new Cornerstone. The outside magnets attach to the black trim around the windows and if you keep the shades on you won't see them anyway. The interior magnets are just not that noticeable. Highly recommend.
You will love the Magne Shade shades. Not only will you want the front windshield but you will also want the two side windows.
You can see through them from inside the coach, but you can't see in from outside (well as long as its daylight outside). They will help reject a lot of heat, as that massive single pane front windshield is quite the heat generator! Anyway well worth the investment IMO
Thanks for the feedback, I'm going to give them a call on Monday and get some on order !