We lost the right rear leveling jack pad on our 2018 Aspire in May after attending the Entegra Homecoming. Took it in for scheduled warranty work in early June and Entegra had the pad replaced. We took off on our annual road trip on 15 July so we have now extended and leveled 34 times. I pulled into Spartan last night for service and during a walk around this morning, 23 Sep, I noticed the pad is gone again. It was there the night before when I leveled up.
We get a lot of movement and noise when coming down off the jacks. Our neighbor at Spartan Academy came running over the first morning when he heard all the noise when I retracted the jacks. I’ve expressed my concern to Entegra and others but I’m told it’s normal. While it may be, I don’t think loosing the same jack pad in 4 months is normal.
Anyone else had a problem like this?
We hava a 2015 Aspire 42RBQ and have always been concerned about the movement and noise when raising the leveling jacks, but thankfully have not lost a pad